Thursday, July 24, 2008

Family Time yay yay yay!

Nothing can cheer my mellow mood up better than family time. Nothing.
So Thank You God, Mama and my little kribow brother are here. She brought us some delicious and SATE PADANG as well! Huhuhuhu.. Udah ngidam dari kapan tauu.. Makasih mamaaaaa... :))
Tomorrow we're going to KL to attend Bintang's graduation ceremony. I couldn't ask for more....... :) Love you all so much!! :)


Fakhrur said...

wah potonya keren 8-O

yah weekend ini sepi deh ga ada ibu hamil yg bs digangguin..

eh eh pertanyaan blogger newbie nih, ngelink ke blog temen itu gmn sih? :p

Indah Puspita Rani said...

numpang ngelink balik ya cha.. =)