Friday, October 24, 2008

Mini Review

So we just got home from KUA ETNIKA's performance with the title "A Love Story between Jazz and Gamelan" at Esplanade. Man I was very satisfied! :D I honestly think that $30 for the ticket is way too cheap for this creative, inspiring, and energetic gamelan-jazz fusion!
We arrived at Esplanade at 6.45 pm, had a small dinner due to the limited time we had and finally went to the recital studio where the performance was held. As I have predicted, the seats were half filled with foreigners *smile proudly*. Some of the audience were bapak2 njowo and some of them I think were Singaporeans & Malaysians. We took 2 seats in the front.
7.35 pm, the band personils entered. Well..they are much older than I thought hohoho, yet completed with brilliant skills!
They mixed instruments from different places of Indonesia like gamelan from Java & Bali, different types of kendang and there were some instruments that I did not recognize, which one of them, I believe was "penggorengan"! Haha! They modified the drum as well, changed some parts including the bass with traditional kendang. Interesting, I thought.
The star of the night were ofcourse, Tri Utami, who performed amazingly beautiful wearing an elegant red color camisole paired with our famous kain batik, and Djaduk Ferianto, a highly multi-talented musician who studied fine art & pantomime. I agree that Tri Utami is not the tallest, prettiest, or the most talented singer out there but man...she got me blown away...
She was dancing, screaming, "playing" the microphone to make certain kinds of effects and brought us-the audience- into a unique mistical atmosphere. Oh, she did not just sing. She also did a lovely "duet" with the bassist and drummer. Very..very well done!
I was so glad when I saw the foreigners' faces. They seemed really excited during the show, two of them even danced with Tri Utami on stage during a song and they were surprisingly good in Jaipongan!
What a performance! The 90 minutes show totally knocked my socks off!


melur said...

personel band nya (kebanyakan) orang indo ato ga cha?
huhuhuhu aku suka sedih (ironi, antara sedih sekaligus bangga...) kalo ternyata lebih banyak orang asing yang menguasai musik tradisional indo...
but it's OK, as long as ga ada yang namanya hak paten nan kejam!!!
udah tau kan yang soal kerajinan Bali yang dipatenin ama WNA?

but anyway, you're so LUCKY having a chance to watch such a SHOW! whoever the performers are ;))

ajak2 dooooong ah!

Sara Sherlini Febriajie said...

personelnya indo bangeeeettt.... yang lucunya mereka semua itu macem2 sukunya, ada org jawa,batak,sunda,padang, tapi semua bs ketemu di jogja! dah gitu ya yuuuuyyy, mainnya sumpah jago2 abissss ga boong aku sampe terpana bgt deh nontonnya. worth every cent of my ticket! huhuhu..
di jkt juga mereka pasti main kookk... kamu browse2 deh...